Driving around with worthless, outdated auto insurance coverage is like having no insurance at all. Your coverage could use an upgrade soon before the unthinkable happens. If you have overlooked getting better auto insurance and the cost may be weighing you down then it’s probably time to set things straight.
4 Ways to find the best auto insurance
Consider that every person’s needs differ so coverage will vary from one person to another as well. The best auto insurance for you may not be as good for another. It’s always important to do your research before you choose a cover. Remember the following tips:
- Get to know auto insurance from your state’s insurance department website. Every state has different rules on auto insurance coverage. Find out what your requirements are by checking these from your state’s official website.
- Research on the financial rating of the insurance company. Your state’s department insurance will surely have a list of their most trusted companies. You can also check these out from their official website.
- Check online reviews from customers. Some online review sites offer unbiased reviews for different insurance companies. Be sure to check these out when you shop for car insurance.
- Compare rates from different car insurers. Never settle for the first insurance company you find. Check reviews and compare different companies to get the best value for your money.
5 best auto insurers of 2019
Now that you know how to find the ideal auto insurance companies, here is a comparison of 5 great car insurance providers.
1) Progressive
Progressive Insurance has been on the top of the list of the best auto insurance for years now. This insurance company has a strong customer base and great reviews online. Its formula is based on competitive pricing which is why, as we speak, there are more than 18,000,000 drivers on the road under Progressive’s cover.
Why Progressive for auto insurance?
Progressive wants drivers to feel secure and at the same time happy that they have an affordable and practical insurance package. Currently, they have some impressive discounts like the pay-in-full discount, safe driver discount, and the multi-policy discount as well. Progressive also lets you bundle all your insurance products under one roof. They can save you as much as 5% when you bundle your home and auto insurance.
The company even has their Snapshot program, a new rewards program that offers more savings for drivers for good behavior. And if this won’t make you think twice, Progressive even has the Name Your Price promo which lets consumers name their price.
Current auto insurance coverage from Progressive
- There are customizable packages to help customers buy only the coverage they need.
- Coverage for body damage and property damage. This is needed to protect you and other drivers if you cause an accident.
- Uninsured or underinsured bodily injury. This is important if you’re involved in an accident caused by another driver who has no limited insurance coverage.
- Medical coverage to protect you against post-accident medical care.
- Collision coverage that pays for car repairs if you’re involved in an accident.
- Comprehensive coverage that includes payment for car repairs in case your car is damaged by something than an accident such as fire or vandalism.
- Uninsured motorist property damage. This is coverage for car repairs if you’re involved in an accident caused by an uninsured driver
- Roadside assistance. This pays for towing, and roadside help in case your car breaks down for any reason.
- Rental reimbursement. This pays for up to 30 days of a rental car as your car is being repaired in a garage as a result of an accident.
- Loan or lease payoff or gap insurance which pays for up to 25% over the actual cash value toward what you still owe if your vehicle has been declared a total loss.
- Pet injuries. This is payment for any vet bills if your cat or dog is hurt in an accident.
- Custom parts and equipment replacement coverage. This will pay for the repair or the replacement of any custom part of a vehicle including paint, stereos, TVs, phones, grills, spoilers and so many more.
- SR-22. Progressive offers SR-22 coverage for people mandated by their state.
Expect the following discounts, and more when you choose Progressive
- “Name your price” program and Snapshot tool
- Multi-policy discount. You can save 5% or more when you bundle auto insurance with other Progressive’s insurance products.
- Snapshot program where you can save money by sharing your driving habits.
- Homeowner discount. Save money on auto insurance if you own a home or condo. This is valid even if these are not Progressive-insured.
- Continuous insurance where you can save based on how long you have consistently maintained car insurance with no gaps or any cancellations. This is valid even if your insurance is not Progressive.
- Online quote discount where you save an average of 7% when you apply online.
- Safe driver discount where you save an average of 31% for a clean driving record with no violations within the past three years.
- Multi-vehicle discount where you can save up to 10% when you have more than one vehicle under the same policy.
- E-sign discount where you can save an average of 7% when you sign policy documents online.
- Paid in full discount where you can save money when you pay for your policy in a lump-sum payment.
2) QuoteWizard
We advise you to compare rates from different insurance companies. This is the best way to find the ideal auto insurance product that will suit your needs. This is also what QuoteWizard wants to point out. QuoteWizard is one of the biggest independent insurance lead companies in the US. This has a convenient tool to help find quotes coming from different companies.
By comparing quotes from different companies, you will be able to learn what different companies can offer. The first step is providing your zip code because this is how QuoteWizard finds the best product for your needs. Next, you need to input your car’s make and model and any additional vehicles you may want to bundle. Doing so can save you up to 20%!
Why rely on QuoteWizard for auto insurance?
QuoteWizard links people to the insurance provider that matches their needs. They can do this by asking a series of questions about your vehicle or vehicles, any previous car insurance products you may have as well as your age and birthdate. You will also be asked if you wish to add other insurance products like home insurance or renters insurance because QuoteWizard offers discounts if you do.
Current auto insurance coverage from QuoteWizard
Providers include Esurance, American Family Insurance, Allstate, Farmers Insurance and 21st Century Insurance. Insurance rates vary depending on your state or where you are located. Visit QuoteWizard’s official website to input your zip code, the make, model and year of your vehicle and other vital information to get a personalized auto quote from QuoteWizard.
You will be able to get discounts when you bundle your car insurance with your home or renters insurance. If you are looking for affordable insurance options, QuoteWizard can find the right insurance product for you with the cheapest rates starting from $19.
3) State Farm
State Farm is a pillar in the insurance industry. The insurance company started in 1922 and is known as one of the most stable with a reliable service. There are actual physical State Farm offices found across the country. There are also insurance agents that help people from different cities across the US as well.
Auto insurance packages from State Farm are also very affordable with rates and features that are unmatched by other insurance providers. Experts in insurance services also say that you can count on State Farm is perfect for private passenger car insurance. At the moment, there are about $40 million premiums by State Farm.
Why use State Farm auto insurance?
State Farm has gathered public trust because of the presence of local offices in most cities in the US. Having actual agents that you can talk to is another plus. You will be able to quickly consult any questions about State Farm’s products and services. Aside from this, State Farm also has a user-friendly mobile app and website which makes it a lot easier for anyone to check his insurance payments and any inquiry about his policy. Still, this makes it easier to gain consumer’s trust. And when it comes to discounts, you can trust State Farm to give you top discount offers on our insurance premiums especially when you bundle your other insurance products from State Farm. You may also get discounts if you want to insure more than two vehicles. To find out more about the great discount offers from State Farm, visit a local office or talk to an agent ASAP.
Current auto insurance coverage from State Farm
- State Farm offers car insurance is all 50 states as well as Washington, D.C.
- Collision coverage will help you pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it collides with another car or hits an object.
- Comprehensive coverage. This will helps pay to repair or replace your vehicle when it is damaged other than a collision. This is including theft, fire, vandalism or even running over an animal.
- Liability coverage. This would pay for another party’s medical expenses, vehicle repairs and property damage if you caused the accident.
- Car rental and travel coverage. This includes the cost of renting a replacement vehicle as your car is being repaired inside a shop. Travel expense pays for meals, lodging, and transportation if case you are in an accident that has happened away from home.
- Uninsured motorists’ coverage. Helps pay for medical expenses if you’re injured in an accident caused by someone who doesn’t have liability insurance.
- Underinsured motorists’ coverage. If someone injures you in an accident, their liability insurance should pay your medical expenses. But if the other person doesn’t have enough liability insurance, this coverage can help.
- Medical payment expenses. This pays for any medical and funeral expenses if an insured person is hurt or killed during the accident.
- Roadside and accident assistance. Get reimbursed for support, towing and labor costs and rental car coverage required after an accident.
- Rideshare coverage. You will get coverage if you drive for Uber, Lyft or other services.
State Farm discounts you must take advantage of
- Accident-free discount. You will be qualified for a discount when your vehicle has been insured by State Farm for three or more consecutive years as long as you are not involved in any chargeable accident.
- Defensive driving discount when you enroll in a defensive driving course.
- Away at school discount. This is discounted rates If one of your insured drivers is a student under 25 years of age who lives at school and only drives while at home while on vacation and during holidays.
- Vehicle safety discount is 40% off on medical bills if your vehicle was made after 1994.
- Drive Safe & Save is an app that helps you track your driving habits using OnStar on your vehicle. You can get discounts just for signing up and more discounts when you drive.
- High-risk auto insurance is all for drivers who have a less than perfect records. If you are a high-risk driver, then talk to an agent for more information about State Farm’s discounts and packages.
4) Esurance
Essuance is from Allstate, one of the most trusted insurance providers in the country. This company lets customers have the opportunity to customize their plans and to create a policy that will fit their driving needs. This company is one of the first then it comes to selling insurance directly to customers rather than talking to an agent.
Essurance makes buying car insurance simpler because of their customizable plans. You will be able to get a quote on the same day.
Why choose Esurance for auto insurance?
This insurance provider prides itself as the “insurance for the modern world,” and it looks like they are doing their best to become a reliable insurance company for modern drivers. You will be able to get a quote and get an insurance policy without talking to an agent for a long time on the phone.
Current auto insurance coverage from Esurance
- Medical payments are for any accident-related medical expenses.
- Personal injury protection or PIP coverage depends on what state you are located, and this covers any indirect expenses such as nursing care after the accident as well as lost wages.
- Comprehensive coverage will pay for repairs if your vehicle is damaged by anything other than a collision or an accident. This covers vandalism or fire.
- Collision coverage is for car repairs after an accident.
- Emergency roadside assistance covers roadside fees as well as towing fees after an accident.
- Rental reimbursement covers payment for a rental car while your vehicle is still the garage for repairs.
- Customized parts and equipment pay for any customized car parts and equipment installed in your vehicle such as electronics and performance modifications up to $4,000. This includes your stereo system, entertainment systems, audio, and video modifications and custom paint jobs.
- Bodily injury and property damage liability covers you and other drivers in case you cause an accident.
- Uninsured/underinsured motorist liability would cover any bills if an accident were the fault of an uninsured driver.
- SR-22 or certificate of fiscal responsibility.
Some hot Esuance discounts to watch out for
- Multi-policy discount is when you bundle your homeowners or motorcycle insurance with auto insurance under Esuance.
- Switch to Esuance and get discounted rates for switching.
- Fast 5 discount gives you 5% off by getting your Esuance car insurance quote online
- Paid in full discount gives you 10% off when you pay your policy premiums in a single payment.
- DriveSense discount is when you use the DriveSense mobile app. You get an instant 5% off. You will get a personalized discount depending on your driving behavior as you use this app.
- Good student discount gives you 10% on certain coverage for a student under 25 who can maintain a 3.0 GPA or “B” average on his grades.
- Anti-theft discount gives you 5-25% savings for having installed anti-theft systems on your car.
5) Liberty Mutual
Liberty Mutual offers a wide variety of options to get you and your family needs. It provides all the basic auto insurance features like bodily injury liability, property damage coverage, collision coverage, and comprehensive coverage. Get a personalized quote from Liberty Mutual by visiting their official site. You need to enter your zip code so that Liberty Mutual can provide you with car insurance information relevant to your state.
Why Liberty Mutual for auto insurance?
Aside from basic auto insurance coverage, Liberty Mutual is a consumer favorite because of its discount offers. Get discounts for multiple cars insured under your policy, good driver discounts, good student discounts, new vehicle discounts and more. Get the discounts that you deserve when you pick Liberty Mutual for car insurance.
Current auto insurance coverage from Liberty Mutual
- Bodily injury liability coverage is coverage for medical expenses as well as legal fees, loss of income and even funeral costs for the other party when you are legally at fault. Costs for legal defense are also covered in case you are sued by the other party.
- Property damage coverage is coverage for the cost of repairing property or replacing property that was damaged by your vehicle.
- Medical payments coverage covers initial medical coverage that was incurred by you and your passengers. This also includes injuries the cohabitating family members have sustained in another person’s vehicle as well as pedestrians.
- Collision coverage is coverage for repairs due to an accident after a collision.
- Comprehensive coverage is coverage of any repairs after a fire, theft or after any non-collision damage.
Some of the best Liberty Mutual discounts for you
- Multi-policy discount is for multiple insurance products with Liberty Mutual.
- New vehicle discount is when you add a vehicle to your policy.
- Paid in full discount is a discount when you pay your premium in a single payment.
- Safety features discount is for vehicles with safety features.
- Multi-vehicle discount is a discount when you have multiple vehicles in your policy
You must shop smart to get the most suitable auto insurance coverage for you and your family. It’s important to review your coverage yearly and if any significant life changes can affect your coverage. Compare plans and check out reviews to get auto insurance that matches your current needs.
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If I missed a company, please let me know in the comments!